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    Articles on Learning Spanish

    Jan. 4, 2024

    The Ultimate List of Podcasts for Spanish Learners (Updated 2024)

    50+ Interesting Podcasts that Will Help You Understand Spoken Spanish for Free If you’re like many Spanish learners, you are better at reading Spanish than understanding spoken Spanish. Unless you have had lots of exposure to native Spanish …

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    Sept. 28, 2023

    47 Authentic News Sites for Instant Spanish Immersion

    When you are learning Spanish, reading authentic news and current events is one of the best ways to improve your Spanish. By immersing yourself in real-world Spanish, you will begin to naturally learn new words, sentence structures, and most import…

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    Sept. 21, 2023

    Can You Text LOL in Spanish? 5 Simple Ways to Decode Spanish Texting Slang

    Have you ever wondered how to text LOL in Spanish? Are you confused by slang in Spanish texting? Increasingly, most communication in our digital world is in a mash up of acronyms and shorthand. When you are learning Spanish, you may rece…

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    Sept. 21, 2023

    Does Tim Ferriss Have the Secret to Rapid Language Learning?

    Tim Ferriss is known for deconstructing world class performers of all kinds to identify efficient ways of doing everything from exercise, cooking, productivity, and even dancing tango. It’s no surprise, then, that Ferriss has also tackled the…

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    Sept. 14, 2023

    The Top 5 Reasons You Can’t Understand Native Spanish Speakers

    I can’t tell you how many times Spanish learners have told me “I have a hard time understanding native Spanish speakers.” You probably find that you can understand Spanish better when you read it. But when you started learnin…

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    Sept. 7, 2023

    How to 10X Your Spanish Vocabulary with Audiobooks

    Learning new words is undoubtedly the foundation of learning any new language.  Expanding your vocabulary enhances your ability to express yourself and understand others. Language learners tend to rely on developing reading ability because it …

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    Aug. 31, 2023

    4 Embarrassing Spanish Mistakes English Speakers Make

    Any English speaker that starts to learn Spanish notices something pretty quickly – many words are very similar between the 2 languages.  The fancy linguistic term for this is cognate. For example, most words in English that end in&…

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    Aug. 24, 2023

    15 Essential Phrases for Spanish Learners

    When’s the last time you looked up something you read, word-for-word, and the translation made ZERO sense? When this happens, you have almost always come across a phrase or expression that you are not familiar with. Spanish is full of common…

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    Aug. 17, 2023

    13 YouTube Channels Every Spanish Learner Should Know About

    I am often asked about recommendations for Spanish learning resources. There are so many free Spanish resources on the Internet, and YouTube videos are a good way to increase your exposure to authentic Spanish. But it’s easy t…

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    Aug. 10, 2023

    Too Busy to Learn Spanish? Try These 5 Time-Saving Tips

      This article is a guest post by Shannon Kennedy of Eurolinguiste: a website dedicated to sharing language and travel tips. “I’m too busy.” It’s a complaint I hear often. Usually from people who have always w…

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